Copyright 2020 © Leo i Hit Reproduktory rasy whippet. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Najpierw była Jessica. York, 2 kg wagi i półtora hektara ogrodzonego terenu wokół naszego domu na łące, przy lesie. Trochę mało psów zdecydowaliśmy całą trójką - ja, Mama i Tata. Postanowiliśmy, że trzeba kupić większego i padło na whippeta, trochę za sprawą doskonałej i urokliwej domowej hodowli Dew Alberta Kurkowskiego, posadowionej w jeszcze bardziej urokliwym miejscu.
Leo and Hit won excellent marks at the shows, successive champion titles, praise and other trophies. And so, unintentionally, involuntarily, we also became owners of two stud dogs.
First there was Jessica. York, weighing 2 kg and one and a half hectares of fenced area around our house in the meadow, next to the forest. A little bit of dogs, we decided all three - me, Mum and Dad. We decided that we had to buy a bigger one and we chose a whippet, partly due to the excellent and charming Dew kennel of Albert Kurkowski, located in an even more charming place.
Leo appeared - a peach beauty with big, dreaming eyes, running in the blink of an eye and every now and then hugging her springy body to show unspeakable love. We decided to show him to the world, although Dad initially denied that "he would not run with a dog on a string". But he swallowed, got hooked on presenting the dog in the beauty race, and Leo made an exhibition career. And then, in order for Leosia not to be sad, Hit appeared and it turned out to be a hit - a blue beauty with a long neck and a wonderful chest, "dancing" in the ring like a ballerina in pas de deux.
Leo and Hit gained excellent marks at shows, successive champion titles, praise and other trophies. And so accidentally. involuntarily, we also became the owners of two stud dogs.
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