Copyright 2020 © Leo i Hit Reproduktory rasy whippet. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
After obtaining an entry in the pedigree on February 5, 2019, giving the right to be a stud dog, Hit became the father of the first and only litter this year:
In 2020, Hit became the father of the following four litters:
In 2021, Hit became the father of the following litters:
If you are interested in buying a puppy whose father is Hit, please be informed that:
Dew PRESTO (2 females, 3 males), born on June 1, 2019 in Dew kennel, whose mother is Rivarco CARNIVAL SAMBA.
A la fin de février, la naissance de la portée est attendue, dont la mère sera Akua Ba HURU. Le pedigree est ici.
"Y" Lantan (3 females, 5 males), born on March 4, 2020 in Lantan kennel, whose mother is TARIA Lantan,
THE LION KING (5 females), born on March 21, 2020 in the Z Fularowej Kliki kennel, whose mother is Dew CAVALLI-SHELLMA,
"Z" Alikana (4 females, 7 males), born on July 1, 2020 in Alikana kennel, whose mother is Intron Poland FAIRY TREASURE,
"C" Ślężańskie Whippety (3 females, 6 males) born on December 22, 2020 in Ślężańskie Whippety kennel, whose mother is DAISY z Grodziskiej Niziny.
In mid-May 2021, a litter is expected in Badiola kennel, the mother of which will be RAKIJA Chartcore. The litter's pedigree is available here.
"T" Moschino Whippet's (4 females, 3 males) born on February 23, 2021 in Moschino Whippet's kennel, whose mother is Akua Ba HURU.
Korleszko (1 female, 4 males) born on March 9, 2021 in the Korleszko kennel, whose mother is LUSI Korleszko.
At the end of May 2021, a litter is expected in the Korleszko kennel, the mother of which will be LUKA Korleszko. The litter's pedigree is available here.
Copyright 2021 by Weronika Karwowska. All rights reserved.
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